The Fan
Year 279 4.9K 17.7 Avg
William Lou 438, Blake Murphy 431, The Raptors Show 271, Matt Bonner 254, Paul Jones 176More, JD Bunkis 56, Ben Ennis 48, Eric Smith 38, Crent Gunning 34, The FAN Morning Show 27, The JD Bunkis Podcast 27, Ailish Forfar 20, Smith and Jones 19, Brent Gunning 18, Justin Cuthbert 18, Donnovan Bennett 10, The FAN Pregame 10, Going Deep 4, Bik Nizzar 2, The People's Show 1 Fewer
21 to 30 of 3.2K
Toronto Raptors content from The Fan, a Canadian national sports radio network from Sportsnet, with stations in Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary.
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