National Canada
Year 637 29K 45.2 Avg
William Lou 497, Blake Murphy 443, Sportsnet Staff 261, Michael Grange 128, Lindsay Dunn 87More, John Chidley-Hill 74, Zulfi Sheikh 72, Vivek Jacob 49, Josh Lewenberg 35, Kyle Ramnarine 22, Wesley Cheng 9, Kai Gammage 8, Donnovan Bennett 5, Jake Schulz 4, Myles Dichter 3, Daniel Rainbird 3, Lucas Casaletto 3, Meredith Bond 2, Phil Tsekouras 2, BarDown Staff 1, Jesse Campigotto 1, Morgan Campbell 1, Spencer Turcotte 1, Jamie Strashin 1, Isaac Callan 1, Kevin Nielsen 1, John Marchesan 1, Ethan Lang 1 Fewer
31 to 40 of 7.9K
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