Dishes & Dimes

Dishes & Dimes

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Dishes & Dimes
Dishes & Dimes

Whistles & Crimes - Tim Donaghy Interview

28 Oct 23, 2023 1:19:05 Imman
Dishes & Dimes
Dishes & Dimes

Play-In Shenanigans, CBA restrictions, and Yayo's Influence

30 Apr 7, 2023 1:15:07 SandieImman
Dishes & Dimes
Dishes & Dimes

MVimPlicit bias?

35 Mar 27, 2023 1:28:19 ImmanSandie
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Dishes & Dimes

2022 NBA Predictions

42 Oct 9, 2022 1:20:05 SandieImman
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Dishes & Dimes

Getting A Lil’ Sloppy

73 Jul 4, 2022 1:31:35 SandieKatieImmanKelseaNoorSarahSidraYasmin
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Dishes & Dimes

Special Guest Kevin O'Connor

60 Jun 20, 2022 2:55:45 Imman
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Dishes & Dimes

Finals Basketball

35 Jun 6, 2022 2:59:39 SandieImmanYasmin Duale
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Dishes & Dimes

A 2021-22 NBA Regular Season Farewell with Seerat Sohi

48 Apr 11, 2022 1:20:41 Katie Heindl
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Dishes & Dimes

Kyle Lowry Returns and Dreaded Playoff Matchups

41 Apr 4, 2022 31:10 Yasmin Duale
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Dishes & Dimes

Play-in For What?

42 Mar 18, 2022 48:57 ImmanYasmin Duale
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Dishes & Dimes

Special Guest Justin Rowan - Race to the 6 Seed

32 Mar 14, 2022 1:19:35 Imman
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Dishes & Dimes

Dishing on Deadlines

41 Feb 13, 2022 58:25 ImmanYasmin Duale
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Dishes & Dimes

Wayne and Theresa Embry Fellowship Featuring Winta Desta and Noah Lewis

24 Jan 19, 2022 39:34 SandieKatie HeindlImman
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Dishes & Dimes


21 Jan 17, 2022 1:51:42 Imman
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Dishes & Dimes

Klay Thompson's Return And The Pascal That Was Promised

32 Jan 11, 2022 48:27 SandieKatie Heindl
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Dishes & Dimes

The Raptors Are...Healthy?

29 Jan 3, 2022 40:11 NoorYasmin Duale
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Dishes & Dimes

WAP Wack *ss Protocols

21 Dec 20, 2021 1:06:25 SandieImman
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Dishes & Dimes

NBA Holiday Season Recap

34 Dec 11, 2021 29:07 Katie HeindlYasmin Duale
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Dishes & Dimes

Coaching Critiques with Mo Dakhil

23 Nov 22, 2021 1:01:36 SandieKatie Heindl
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Dishes & Dimes

Special Guest Coach David Thorpe

38 Nov 15, 2021 1:00:50 SandieImmanYasmin Duale
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